
Yuba College students who participate in intercollegiate athletics perform well, not only on the field, but also in the classroom.

Intercollegiate Athletics Transfer Statistics 2003-2008
Average Transfer Rate to a 4-year Institution 51%
Total Number of Athletes that Transferred to a 4-year Institution 387
General College Student Transfer Rate Less than 10%


Athletes and General Student Population Comparison


Academic Comparison 2008/09 Academic Year
Grade Point Average (GPA)
Athletes (while in season)
Athletes (while not in season) 2.60
General Yuba College Student Population 2.28


Enrolled Units
Athletes (while in season) 15.47 average units Total Units: 3,530**
Athletes (while not in season) 15.39 average units Total Units: 3,139**
General F/T Yuba College Student Population 13.68 average units



Total Enrolled Health, Physical Education, and Athletics Units
Athletes (while in season) 15.47 average units Total Units: 3,530**
Athletes (while not in season) 15.39 average units Total Units: 3,139**
General F/T Yuba College Student Population 13.68 average units



Total Enrolled Health, Physical Education, and Athletics Units
Athletes (while in season) 13.96 average units Total Units: 887
Athletes (while not in season) 3.39 average units Total Units: 599.5
General Yuba College Student Population 2.13 Fall Semester 13.68 average units Total Units: 1845.5
2.02 Spring Semester Total Units: 1951.0





IN SEASON 1235.3 FTES = $1,074,287.09
OUT OF SEASON 227.5 FTES = $1,020,300.37

** = Excludes basketball, a 2 semester sport