Welcome to MESA at Yuba College!
Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) provides a wide range of support services and activities to Yuba College STEM majors. We focus on increasing and supporting student diversity and achievement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. How do we do this? We work towards establishing an inclusive environment in which students receive opportunities for peer support, information-sharing, career options, scholarships, internships, and special programs. Through our program, MESA enables students to prepare for and transfer to four-year universities and gain confidence in their abilities to compete academically and professionally.
What are the benefits?
We can help you achieve your academic and professional goals.
- University campus tours and presentations
- Unique scholarship, internship, and research opportunities
- Assistance with transfer process and 4-year university system
- Personal and professional development workshops
- Yuba College STEM campus community
Do I qualify?
Can you answer “YES” to the following questions?
- Do you intend to transfer?
- Are you eligible for or currently receiving Financial Aid?
- Are you required to take Calculus (Math 1A) for your major?
- My parents/guardians do not have a 4-year college degree.
- I am a current or incoming Yuba College student.
If you are able to answer “YES” to all five questions, it is highly likely that you meet our MESA program requirements! Even if you are not sure, it never hurts to submit an application.
MESA Program Requirements:
- Provide or prepare an updated educational plan
- Agree to participate in a minimum of one MESA activity/event each semester
- Meet with a MESA staff member once a semester
- Be working towards a degree in a math-based field, such as Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Pre-Medicine or Pre-Pharmacy
Our Mission
MESA is driven to increase and support student diversity and achievement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. We will strive to provide access and opportunity that meets individualized needs and circumstances.
MESA is Statewide
MESA is not only at Yuba College. In fact, there are programs in 40 of California’s 110 community colleges and at many UC and CSU campuses. Currently, MESA students account for 10% of all Latino STEM transfers, 13% of all African American STEM transfers, and 20% of all Native American STEM transfers in California. Of course, 100% of MESA community college students who transfer to four-year institutions pursue STEM majors. Lastly, if you would like to learn more, visit the California MESA Website at https://mesa.ucop.edu/about-us/.