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Mathematics Department Logo

Pythagorithym GraphThe Department offers a variety of mathematics and statistics courses. The courses prepare students to transfer to a college or university to major in mathematics, engineering, the physical or life sciences, business, liberal studies, and a host of other majors as well as support a variety of certificate programs and associate’s degrees.

What’s Happening in the Mathematics and Statistics Department

Math Club: The Math Club is meeting on Tuesdays from 3:00-4:00PM in room 1016 on the Marysville campus (and on Zoom if requested). Email professor Mark Lydon at mlydon@yccd.edu for more information.

Student Mathematics League Competition (AKA the AMATYC test): The AMATYC Student Math League Competition Exam will be administered Friday, November 3rd, from noon to 2pm in room M1018 on the Marysville campus.

  • The exam is a 20 questions multiple choice exam where correct answers receive 2 points, and incorrect answers receive -0.5, so guessing is discouraged.
  • Each student will have 1 hour to take the exam. You do not have to show up right at noon to get 1 hour. Each student will be given an hour from the time they start the exam.
  • Competition rules can be found at https://amatyc.org/page/SMLRules
  • Examples of previous exams can be found at https://amatyc.org/page/SMLPastQuestions

Past Events

Student Mathematics League Competition (AKA the AMATYC test): Friday, October 25, 2019, noon to 1:00 PM in room 843. Here is the current AMATYC Test flyer. You can also visit the Student Mathematics League web page for more information.

History of Math Writing Contest: Submissions are due November 7, 2019. The contest is open to all students in Spring, Summer, and Fall 2019. See the History of Math Writing Contest Flyer for more details.

Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month Activities:  Activities will be held in the Hard Math Cafe Annex (room 702) starting Monday, April 8 until Friday, April 26 (here is the flyer). Each day has a new activity that students can win a raffle ticket for completing. There are a lot of cool prizes (such as calculators, school supplies, fun math t-shirts, a math clock, and we’re supposed to get Starbucks gift cards too). Each day of the week has a different theme. Here is what the schedule will look like:

  • Mondays: Students complete worksheets (some will be time-based)
  • Tuesdays: Students draw up a lesson of a topic they are learning in class that week (or another topic that I have chosen)
  • Wednesdays: Students complete 2 questions to earn one raffle for each
  • Thursdays: Students compete in speed arithmetic challenges (each week will get increasingly more difficult)
  • Fridays: Students can participate in a Probability Dice game
    • Raffle at 12:00 PM

Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month Film Festival: There will be three films shown in April. All movies start at 4:00 p.m. in room M-846 (here’s the film festival flyer). Also visit www.mathstatmonth.org for more details about Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month.

  • Monday, April 15. Rise of the Hackers
  • Monday, April 22. A Brilliant Young Mind
  • Monday, April 29. Big Dreams–Young Women Entering STEM Fields

2018 Math Poetry Contest: Submission due by Wednesday, March 21. See the Math Poetry Flyer for more details.

Pie Day Festivities: Wednesday, 3/14, in the quad (weather permitting, otherwise it will be held in the library lobby). The event will include pie for sale by the slice, raffles to win prizes, a Pi memorization contest, and a Scavenger hunt. Here is a Pi Day Flyer with more information and a Pi Memorization flyer.

Last updated 10/23/2023. Please report dead links.