Geography and GIS at Yuba College

Yuba College students explore the geography of the California Coast. Yuba College offers exciting opportunities to get engaged with field experiences
Geography is unique in bridging the social sciences and the natural sciences. There are two main branches of geography: human geography and physical geography. Human geography is concerned with the spatial aspects of human existence. Physical geographers study patterns of climates, landforms, vegetation, soils, and water. Geographers use many tools and techniques in their work, and geospatial technologies are increasingly important for understanding our complex world. They include Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and online mapping such as Google Earth.
Certificates in Geography at Yuba College
Currently Yuba College does not offer a transfer degree in Geography. It is coming soon! Yuba College does offer a wide variety of Geography courses and is a good choice for both career and academic pathways.
The Geography degree at Yuba College will include the following courses.
- Introduction to Physical Geography (3) and Physical Geography, Laboratory (1)
- World Regional Geography (3)
- Introduction to Geographic Information Systems and Techniques, with Lab (2)
- Introduction to Weather and Climate (3)
- Regional Field Studies (1)
- Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)
- Physical Geology (3)
Korey Champe
Assistant Professor of Earth Science
530-741-7676 phone
530-749-3854 fax (shared)
Carmen Bowen
Assistant Professor of Earth Science
530-749-3854 fax (shared)
The American Association of Geographers lists the following about jobs in Geography
What you can do with a degree in Geography
- Meteorologist
- Climatologist
- Natural Resource Manager
- Market Researcher
- Urban and Regional Planner
- Natural Hazards Analyst and Manager
- Cartographer
- Geospatial Technology Specialist
- Humanitarian Affairs Consultant
- Logistics Manager
- Policy Consultant
- Sustainability Manager
- Environmental Economist
- Geo-intelligence Specialist
- Teacher, and more…
There are hundreds of occupations that require knowledge of and skills in geography, and the diversity of career opportunities available to geography graduates continues to grow every year. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, median wages for geographers were $81,970 in 2019. Even the lowest paid 25% of Geographers made $63,300 annually, far exceeding the median wages for all income earners.
More detailed statistics and numbers are available here.