Yuba College to host Police Academy Open House and Information Session
(February 7) Marysville, Calif. – Interested in becoming a Peace Officer? Yuba College’s Police Academy is hosting an Open House and Information Session on Tuesday, February 11 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. at its Marysville campus.
Yuba College Director of Public Safety Mark Covington said the event “takes the mystery out of enrolling in a police academy.”
“Our hope is this event will bring awareness to the community and to current and potential students that Yuba College provides valuable training and education for those who want to get into law enforcement,” he said.
Yuba College offers an extended, modular academy format, delivered in three segments. The first is offered in late May or early June and, upon completion, the cadet can work as a reserve police officer. Module II begins in August and ends in November and allows for the cadet to work in roles with greater responsibilities than a cadet with only level III certification. Module I is held every January and successful graduates are considered qualified to work as full-time peace officers in California.
Overall, Yuba College Police Academy graduates have been successful in securing employment in law enforcement organizations, with most cadets already working or actively in the hiring process at graduation.
Covington said that agency recruiters are frequent visitors at the academy, due to the high demand for law enforcement officers across the state.
The Open House and Information Session will be held at Yuba College’s Marysville campus at 2088 N. Beale Rd. in Building 2100, Room 2149. Staff will be available to answer questions and assist individuals interested in applying. Those who attend are welcome to enjoy some pizza and refreshments. Business casual attire is recommended.
Learn more about Yuba College’s Police Academy here:
Lauren McDermott
(415) 933-9975