Anthropology and Social Science PSLOs

  • ANTHR.PSLO1       (ISLO: TBA)
  • ANTHR.PSLO2       (ISLO: TBA)
  • ANTHR.PSLO3       (ISLO: TBA)


Early Childhood Education PSLOs

  • ECE.PSLO1       (ISLO: Communication)
    Students will exhibit cultural competence through the development of intentional practices with respect to diversity and the inclusion of all children, families, staff, and communities.
  • ECE.PSLO2       (ISLO: Critical Thinking)
    Students will proficiently design developmentally appropriate curriculum, and demonstrate effective implementation using intentional teaching methods that scaffold children’s co-construction of knowledge through exploration, risk-taking, reflection,and the respectful inclusion and support of individual life experiences
  • ECE.PSLO3       (ISLO: Personal and Social Responsibility)
    Students will promote higher levels of child learning through the use of intentional teaching methods that support the unique development of every child.
  • ECE.PSLO4       (ISLO: Personal and Social Responsibility)
    Students will use their understanding of cognitive development and apply it to their roles as curious, confident, life-long constructors of knowledge.


Economics PSLOs

  • ECON.PSLO1       (ISLO: Global Awareness)
    Students will learn to incorporate environmental issues into their analyses of global economic relationships and question their own values and popular myths as well as conventional economic hypotheses.
  • ECON.PSLO2       (ISLO: Information Competency)
    Students will learn to apply market theory principles to help understand the potential role of government in the economy.
  • ECON.PSLO3       (ISLO: Critical Thinking)
    Students will analyze and explain current economic conditions as announced by various governmental and non-governmental agencies with respect to full employment goals.
  • ECON.PSLO4       (ISLO: Information Competency)
    Students will be able to compare and contrast the potential economic policy options of the Federal Reserve System versus the economic policy options of the Legislative and Executive branches of government with respect to unemployment, inflation, and full employment.


History PSLOs

  • HIST.PSLO1       (ISLO: Critical Thinking)
    Demonstrate a breadth and depth of historical knowledge including but not limited to analysis of historical evidence to evaluate the causes and effects of key turning points in the human experience.
  • HIST.PSLO2       (ISLO: Personal and Social Responsibility)
    Demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which modern day people are profoundly impacted by historical events and how an appreciation of the past should inform how we approach contemporary issues.
  • HIST.PSLO3       (ISLO: Global Awareness)
    Examine the experiences of various people throughout time and space and their significance to global development.


Human Services PSLOs

  • HUSEV.PSLO1       (ISLO: Critical Thinking)
    Analyze data/information in addressing and evaluating problems and issues in making decisions.
  • HUSEV.PSLO2       (ISLO: Personal and Social Responsibility)
    Interact with others by demonstrating respect for opinions, feelings, and values.
  • HUSEV.PSLO3       (ISLO: Communication)
    Effectively use language and non-verbal communication consistent with and appropriate for the audience and purpose.


Philosophy and Humanities PSLOs

  • PHIL.PSLO1       (ISLO: Critical Thinking)
    Analyze data/information in addressing and evaluating problems an dissues in making decisions.
  • PHIL.PSLO2       (ISLO: Global Awareness)
    Articulate similarities and differences among cultures, times, and evnironments, demonstrating an understanding of cultural pluralism and knowledge of global issues.
  • PHIL.PSLO3       (ISLO: Personal and Social Awareness)
    Interact with others by demonstrating respect for opinions, feelings, and values.


Political Science PSLOs

  • POLSC.PSLO1       (ISLO: Critical Thinking)
    Students can distinguish major political theories and/or political concepts.
  • POLSC.PSLO2       (ISLO: Information Competency)
    tudents can identify the political structure of major governing bodies.
  • POLSC.PSLO3       (ISLO: Communication)
    Students can analyze the opposing arguments of major political issues.
  • POLSC.PSLO4       (ISLO: Global Awareness)
    Students can identify and compare the fundamental principles/features of major political systems.
  • POLSC.PSLO5       (ISLO: Critical Thinking)
    Students can identify social, political, and/or economic forces necessary to establish a certain political order.


Psychology PSLOs

  • PSYCH.PSLO1       (ISLO: Critical Thinking)
    Analyze psychological data, information, and theories.
  • PSYCH.PSLO2       (ISLO: Critical Thinking)
    Apply psychological principles to the development of interpersonal, occupational and social skills and life-long personal growth.
  • PSYCH.PSLO3       (ISLO: Scientific Awareness)
    Draw reasonable conclusions in relation to human behavior from the data/information/theories.
  • PSYCH.PSLO4       (ISLO: Personal and Social Responsibility)
    Articulate similarities and differences in human behavior among cultures, times, and environments, demonstrating an understanding of cultural pluralism and knowledge of global issues as they relate to human behavior.
  • PSYCH.PSLO5       (ISLO: Personal and Social Responsibility)
    Demonstrate respect for the psychological differences in opinions, feelings and values of others in one’s interactions.


Sociology PSLOs

  • SOCIL.PSLO1       (ISLO: Critical Thinking)
    Understand the main ways–qualitative and quantitative–that social scientists collect and analyze data.
  • SOCIL.PSLO2       (ISLO: Global Awareness)
    Undersand how America’s social structure, culture, and governance differ from those of other comparable societies, and the world is gradually developing global structure, culture, and governance processes
  • SOCIL.PSLO3       (ISLO: Information Competency)
    Understand that social life exists at a community level, as well as a regional, national, and global one, and have at least one experience working on (i.e., researching, or analyzing, or helping to solve) a social problem in the community.