Advancing the Dialogue
What is Advancing the Dialogue?
The 2019-2022 Equity Plan defines activity 8 as the following:
Expand the current Leadership for Equity, Achievement, and Diversity (LEAD) Committee practice of “Advancing the Dialogue” through a year-long offering of monthly “brown bag” lunch meetings designed to bring together students, faculty, staff, and administration for equity-minded workshops. Participants will engage with readings, presentations, and activities that address topics such as microaggressions, intersectionality, defining inclusivity and what a “safe space” means with the broader intent of creating a more culturally responsive, racially equitable, and identity inclusive college, district, and community environment.
What does that mean college-wide?
Advancing the Dialogue is an activity developed from the Leadership for Equity, Achievement, and Diversity (LEAD) Committee. It focuses on taking equity-minded discussions held in the committee and creating opportunities for open and honest conversations between students, staff, faculty, and administrators. These conversations are not easy, rather they are the hard topics that delve deeper into experiences that Yuba College students have every day both at the college and in the community. It is an opportunity for everyone to listen, learn, and lead, and move forward with the commitment Yuba College has made to students.