There are numerous resources to help you on your path to a deeper understanding of equity, several of which are listed below. Additionally, new links are constantly being added and previous links are updated regularly. Utilize these resources and share them with a peer or colleague to further equity-mindedness knowledge and understanding. If you wish to help with an Advancing the Dialogue session, would like to suggest a resource or are interested in attending a LEAD meeting, please reach out to us using the contact information to the right.
Name | Link | Description |
Equity 101: Teaching and Learning Perspectives for Equity and Social Justice | | Review the resources collected by 3CSN for further equity inquiry. |
Guide to Allyship | | Review the Guide to Allyship. |
Employing Equity-Minded and Culturally-Affirming Teaching and Learning Practices in Virtual Learning Communities | | A YouTube video by Dr. Frank Harris III and Dr. J. Luke Wood on improving virtual learning. |
Responding to Racial Bias and Microaggressions in the Online Environment | | A YouTube video by Dr. Frank Harris III and Dr. J. Luke Wood on addressing racial bias and microaggressions. |
Equity-Minded Student Services in the Online Environment | | A YouTube video by Dr. Frank Harris III and Dr. J. Luke Wood on ensuring equity-minded online student services. |
California Community College Chancellor’s Office Call to Action Webinar | | Review the CCCCO’s Call to Action Webinar. |
Racial Equity Tools | | Familiarize yourself with inclusive and equity-minded language. |
Yuba College Equity Plan | | Review the bullet points included in our Equity Imperative and look for ways to incorporate those actions into your daily interactions with the college community. |
What Great Listeners Actually Do | | An article fro the Harvard Business Review discussing listening skills. |
The American Nightmare | | An article in The Atlantic by Ibram X. Kendi. |
The Safe Zone Project | | A free online resource for powerful, effective LGBTQ awareness and ally training workshops. |