There are numerous resources to help you on your path to a deeper understanding of equity, several of which are listed below. Additionally, new links are constantly being added and previous links are updated regularly. Utilize these resources and share them with a peer or colleague to further equity-mindedness knowledge and understanding. If you wish to help with an Advancing the Dialogue session, would like to suggest a resource or are interested in attending a LEAD meeting, please reach out to us using the contact information to the right.


Name Link Description
Equity 101: Teaching and Learning Perspectives for Equity and Social Justice Review the resources collected by 3CSN for further equity inquiry.
Guide to Allyship Review the Guide to Allyship.
Employing Equity-Minded and Culturally-Affirming Teaching and Learning Practices in Virtual Learning Communities A YouTube video by Dr. Frank Harris III and Dr. J. Luke Wood on improving virtual learning.
Responding to Racial Bias and Microaggressions in the Online Environment A YouTube video by Dr. Frank Harris III and Dr. J. Luke Wood on addressing racial bias and microaggressions.
Equity-Minded Student Services in the Online Environment A YouTube video by Dr. Frank Harris III and Dr. J. Luke Wood on ensuring equity-minded online student services.
California Community College Chancellor’s Office Call to Action Webinar Review the CCCCO’s Call to Action Webinar.
Racial Equity Tools Familiarize yourself with inclusive and equity-minded language.
Yuba College Equity Plan Review the bullet points included in our Equity Imperative and look for ways to incorporate those actions into your daily interactions with the college community.
What Great Listeners Actually Do An article fro the Harvard Business Review discussing listening skills.
The American Nightmare An article in The Atlantic by Ibram X. Kendi.
The Safe Zone Project A free online resource for powerful, effective LGBTQ awareness and ally training workshops.