Meet Office Administration Faculty Member:  Liberty Harrison

Contact Information:


Phone:  530-933-3573

LinkedIn Profile

Why Office Administration is a great career option:

Some of the best business administrators that I have met and worked with have started as office administrators.  This is a great field to learn the business from the bottom up and those skills can transfer with you into management positions.  One of the perks of this job is you get to be creative and involved in all the projects.


Be aware of other peoples time – be on-time, be punctual.  This is generally lacking in society and you can stand out just be showing up on time.  Be mindful of timelines. 

I didn’t plan on getting an Associates degree when I first started out.  It was brought to my attention that I could improve my life and the company I work for through obtaining my Associate Degree.  Once I realized that I earned three and have never regretted it.  It’s important to start somewhere.  My advice is start with a class and see where it takes you!


AS in Office Administration from Yuba College

AS in Legal Office Skills from Yuba College

BS in Health Administration from Chico State

Things I like to do outside of work:

My husband and I like to travel. I am in to photography and cooking. I am a huge book nerd and love to read. We camp a lot. My oldest son is serving in the Air Force and my youngest son plans to sign up for the Air Force next year.


I have a total of 15 years of experience in office administration and 5 years of experience in office administration. My employers included Wonder Bread, Medicare, Montgomery Wards, JcPenny and I was also self-employed with my own business previously.