2021-22 Guided Pathways Redesign Committee Co-Chairs: Greg Kemble and Carla Tweed

Many of the concepts in Guided Pathways have long been in the DNA of CTE programs. It’s no surprise, then, that, as early as 2016, CTE instructional and counseling faculty, with the support of the CTE dean, introduced Guided Pathways to our college, through Flex workshops and presentations to Council and Academic Senate. Within just a few months, Yuba applied, and was accepted, to participate in the California Guided Pathways Project (CGPP), a cohort of twenty California community colleges learning to design and implement Guided Pathways at scale. We attended six “institutes” over three years (2017-2019), coordinating the work through the various incarnations of Yuba’s Guided Pathways Redesign Committee (GPRC). Currently, the college is participating in “Phase Two” of the California Guided Pathways Project, which offers both individualized support through regional coaches, as well as continued institutes (or, during pandemic times, webinars). This year, the GPRC identified four key priorities and established workgroups for each.


2021-22 Team Lead: Greg Kemble

This workgroup was tasked with re-establishing the college’s Teaching and Learning Center (TLC). The mission of the Yuba College TLC is to support faculty and staff in their pursuit of equity, excellence and innovation in teaching and student learning—within the classroom, and beyond. Greg Kemble and Cindi Sargent, with help from Devin Crosby, secured funding through the Yuba College Innovation Award. This grant will be used to develop, and commission content for, the TLC website. The TLC workgroup is consulting several campus committees to garner input as they plan content and organizational structure of the TLC.


2021-22 Team Lead: Korey Champe

This workgroup focused on mapping program “pathways.” They have been working in conjunction with IT to plan how maps are to be created, updated, and managed. Currently, all ADT degrees have been mapped and the committee has agreed on map templates and points of contact in order to expedite completion of remaining programs. The mapping workgroup intends to focus attention to certificates with the goal of all programs being mapped by early Fall ’21. With the roll-out of Self-Service the mapping team hopes to add more visibility to course choices for students, as well as a plan for update and maintenance by faculty. As this round of mapping finishes, the goal of the mapping team is to turn focus towards the General Education Degrees.


2021-22 Team Lead: James Gilbreath

This workgroup identified and outlined ten roles within each interest area as a first contact for students. These roles will provide ongoing case management services in each academic path and consist of members from across our campus community including classified staff, faculty, administrators, and student mentors. Student Success Teams will provide guidance on education plans, maps, and identifying possible career paths.


2021-22 Team Lead: Jeremy Brown

This workgroup initiated a website audit to evaluate current website structure in anticipation of a website redesign. This redesign will incorporate Guided Pathways language and “Areas of Interest.” Extensive research has been conducted regarding effective practices in Guided Pathway website design at peer colleges and reviewed past work on GP homepage wireframe at YCCD to inform future work. The Communications Team has also been working closely with a design consultant and have developed a college branding and style guide that will be made readily available college-wide through our Yuba College website.


The Guided Pathways Redesign Committee will reconvene in early Fall 2021 to determine whether the current workgroups will continue, or if new workgroups need to be established. If you have any questions about the work that has been completed this year, please feel free to reach out to the lead of the relevant workgroup or to the GPRC co-chairs, Greg Kemble and Carla Tweed.