What are SLOs?
Where can we find YC SLOs?
Yuba College course and program SLOs can be found here on the official Course and Program Outlines of Record in our curriculum management system, eLumen.
What is the SLO Assessment Cycle?
SLOs are regularly assessed to see if students are reaching important learning goals for courses and programs. The Student Learning Outcome (SLO) assessment cycles are designed to foster continuous quality improvement in all academic courses and programs. Completing the entire cycle is called “closing the loop.” More details about how Yuba College engages in SLO assessment can be found in our Handbooks listed under “resources” on the right navigation menu.

SLO Assessment Cycle
What are Equity-Minded Assessment Practices?
Faculty and staff at Yuba College can work to make our SLO assessments equitable for all students by carefully examining practices in each step of the cycle. The Yuba College Outcomes Committee has created this list of suggestions to help us work towards equity in assessment.