Faculty Feature: Alisan Hastey

Staff Spotlight

Alisan Hastey wearing a light blue collared shirt and a dark blue sweater with foliage in the background

Prolific Los Angeles Philharmonic conductor Gustavo Dudamel once said that you build better citizens for the community with an orchestra. Performing music with other musicians, even if the only thing you have in common with the person next to you is the music itself, creates a bond that echoes through the notes and passes on to those who hear it. … Read More

Faculty Feature: Liberty Harrison

Staff Spotlight

Liberty Harrison in a car with a black turtleneck and large bead necklace

The education experience is unique for everyone. It’s a path full of twists, turns and sometimes, even seemingly impassable roadblocks. Yuba College’s Liberty Harrison knows this all too well. At age 31, Liberty, who has dealt with severe dyslexia for most of her life, took a big step and began her college career at Yuba College. Like so many students, … Read More

Welding Technologies Instructor Finds A Way

Staff Spotlight

  Yuba College Welding Technologies Instructor Dan Turner has a philosophy he teaches his students at the Marysville campus: “The question is never ‘can we;’ it’s ‘how can we?’” When the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in stay at home orders and no in-person learning last spring, Turner went right into answering the question: How can he provide an environment that ensures … Read More

Bringing the Business World to Yuba College

Staff Spotlight

The COVID-19 pandemic created an array of challenges, forcing us all to rethink and readjust our everyday lives. Yuba College’s faculty and staff were no different, tasked with connecting with their students digitally through remote learning. While challenging for all, Associate Professor of Business Yuliana Mendez saw this as an opportunity to bridge her previous professional career to her students … Read More