Counseling Department


Our Mission is to provide the following:

  • Maximum access and success for all students
  • Academic, career and personal counseling to assist students in setting and achieving their educational goals
  • Comprehensive set of interrelated services, activities and referrals which focus on the holistic development of our students.

Counseling Office Location/Hours of Operation

    • The week before and the week classes begin: Drop-In Counseling Services
    • Monday-Thursday 8:00am – 6:00pm and Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm
    • Starting the 2nd week of the semester until the end of the semester:
    • Monday-Thursday 8:00am – 6:00pm and Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm

Schedule a Counseling Appointment Online Today!

Email the Counseling Office.

Counseling Services Available

Walk-In Services

Scheduled Appointment

Abbreviated Educational Plan-AEP for 1st time
college students.
Discuss transferring to a university.
Clarify information on classes in which you
are currently enrolled.
Evaluate student transcripts from other
colleges or universities.
General information about classes at
Yuba College.
Develop Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP)
such as Education Plans required by:
-Financial Aid -Veterans Program
-Athletes -Nursing
General information about Yuba College
certificates, degrees, or transfer majors.
Review/Revise Educational Plan.
Discuss assessment test policies and results. Graduation/Certificate Petition.
Concurrently enrolled High School Students. Personal Counseling (Non-Therapeutic).
Third attempted petition. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Financial Aid Appeal.
Unit overload. Probation Follow-up.
Prerequisite verification (transcript required). Petition for Readmission (Dismissal).
Discuss transferring to a University.