To address and reduce the disproportionate impact experienced by specific populations at Yuba College, the integrated planning committee consisting of Student Equity Committee, Basic Skills Initiative, and the Student Success Support Program in conjunction with the college administration have developed the following goals and activities that are in line with the YCCD Measures of Student Success(MSS) and the Yuba College Educational Master Plan:
1) Increase the number of students eligible for college level math and English courses; MSS 1, 3, 4. This goal helps to address students’ access to the college and curriculum and to increase our BSI course completion rates. The activities for each program are as follows:
a. SSSP:
i. Provide opportunities for students to decrease time to completions by implementing new multiple measures metrics
ii. Work with students to understand the importance of the Placement Exams and help prepare students through assessments workshops and boot camps.
b. Student Equity:
i. Develop and implement the Summer Bridge Program
ii. Increase participation of faculty in Reading Apprenticeship
iii. Promote and train embedded tutors in Math, English, and ESL courses
c. BSI:
i. Develop and impliment the Summer Bridge Program
ii. Expand course Acceleration in Math, English, and ESL
iii. Promote and train embedded tutors in Math, English, and ESL courses
2) Increase the number of students persisting term to term; MSS 2, 3, 5. This goal helps to address degree and certificate completion and transfer as well as student retention as students who are successful in their classes tend to continue with their education. The activities for each program are as follows:
i. Increase intervention efforts for at-risk students
ii. Scale Early Alert Program Intervention
iii. Revitalize and re-envision professional development
iv. Improve student communication and create retention marketing tools
b. Student Equity
i. Expand tutoring services on the Marysville campus to include the Hard Math Café, the Veteran’s Resource Center, athletics, and CTE
ii. Expand the tutoring hours and offerings at the Sutter County Center
iii. Expand the College Success Center hours and tutoring offerings for evening students
iv. Extend the Writing Language Development Center hours and tutoring offering for evening students
v. Expand Campus Life Events
vi. Extend the Partnership with Yuba Sutter Transit
vii. Provide Professional Development to faculty and staff related to increasing student success.
c. BSI
i. Provide bilingual embedded tutoring
ii. Expand the tutoring hours and offerings at the Sutter County Center
iii. Provide Professional Development to faculty and staff related to increasing student success.
iv. Provide Summer Bridge Programs in English and Math
3) Increase the rate and number of students completing courses, degrees and certificates; MSS 2, 4, 6, 8. This goal helps to address ESL and Basic Skills Completion and Degree and Certificate Completion. The activities for each program are as follows:
i. Implement virtual counseling/advising
ii. Create and Implement comprehensive retention marketing plan
iii. Provide student success workshops in classroom presentations
iv. Degree Audit
v. Simplify the Degree and Certificate Application process
b. Student Equity
i. Work with faculty to increase the use of Open Source materials
ii. Establish an extensive Lending Library to include degree applicable and CTE courses
iii. Expand the CTE collaboration to provide services to CTE students
iv. Hire and retain and LD Specialist for DSPS
c. BSI
i. Establish an extensive Lending Library to include BSI and ESL courses
4) Increase the rate and number of students transferring to a 4-year university; MSS 7. The sole focus of this goal is transferring students to a 4-year university. The activities for each program are as follows:
i. Expand the UC Davis TOP Agreement
ii. Expand 4-year college partnerships
iii. Provide intrusive counseling interventions for Puent, Umoja, Veteran, and MESA students to promote transfer program
b. Student Equity
i. Support college visits
ii. Support of the EOPS Counselor
iii. Provide support for faculty release and field trips for the Puente program
iv. Provide support for faculty release and field trips for the Umoja program
v. Provide support for the MESA Director
c. BSI
5) Create and environment supportive of professional learning. This goal will focus on the professional development needs of staff, faculty, and administration of Yuba College. The activities for each program are as follows:
i. Transform the student service culture in terms of intentional engagement, collaboration and implementation of practices, procedures and policies that promote students’ progress, transfer and completion
b. Student Equity
i. Expand the Faculty Mentoring Program
ii. Increase participation of faculty in Reading Apprenticeship
iii. Equity sponsored Professional Development Days throughout the school year
c. BSI
i. Expand the Faculty Mentoring Program
ii. Continued support of the ESL Focus Group
iii. Continued support of the Community of Practice. The current focus is English, but it is open to all faculty
iv. Provide professional development for basic skill and ESL adjuncts