Course Review: Validation

To learn more about the course review process at Yuba College and getting an online course validated, please plan to attend an Orientation Meeting. See the Flex Workshops site for dates and details. If you’ve attended an orientation meeting you can review the information through the presentation slides.

An important part of the process is the instructor’s self-assessment of the OEI Rubric criteria. You can download a copy of the self-assessment document and use it to guide course development. The CVC created Course Design Resources modules to accompany the OEI rubric and help support alignment to criteria.

If you have questions about the timeline for having your online courses validated, please contact DE coordinator Carrie Wasigner.

Course Design Support

Support for instructors teaching in any of the DE modalities includes one-on-one consultations, flex workshops, and training courses. Please complete the FA22 DE support faculty survey.

  • Cynthia Sargent is the Instructional Design Resource Faculty at Yuba College
  • Check out Cynthia’s office hours in Calendly to select a time for one-on-one meetings.

Cynthia’s Instructional Design blog has quick tips and the Yuba College faculty Course Design Forum has many additional resources to support your development of an online course.

While accessibility is the last section of the OEI Rubric, it is best to keep accessibility in mind and design an accessible course from the beginning rather than trying to remediate issues later. A good first step is ensuring you know how to make materials in Canvas pages, assignments, and quizzes accessible.

  • The CCC Accessibility Center has modules to help you learn more about Canvas Accessibility.
  • You can access additional self-paced accessibility courses from the CCC Accessibility Center to learn more about Microsoft Word accessibility, accessibility for STEM classes, and more.