ASYC Membership

Interested in joining a club? Let us know!

Email Crystal Garcia or ASYC (Associated Students of Yuba College) for more information on elected and appointed positions.


Yuba College has a variety of clubs on campus and each club is structured around a specific interest. Clubs provide a structured avenue for students to voice concerns and seek the support of fellow students. Campus Life supervises and assists college clubs and organizations in the planning of educational, social and cultural activates. Any group composed of college students who use the name, funds, materials, or services of the college is a campus organization. A current listing of active clubs, their purpose, and contact information is available at Campus Life.

Club Charter

Each fall, student clubs must complete a Club Charter Packet, which lists the stated purpose of the club, membership, and a club constitution. Approved clubs may use Yuba College facilities free of charge. Club activities and meetings must be approved through Campus Life at Yuba College. Following college-specific guidelines, banners and fliers may be posted on district property.

Yuba College Active Clubs

Advisor: Carrie Mehlert
Department: Allied Health
Email Advisor
President: Bailey Wilson
About the club: The California Nursing Students’ Association is a statewide community advancing the transition of the student to the professional nurse through leadership development, education, mentorship, advocacy, activism, and stewardship.

Green Futures
Advisor: Melissa Ha
Department: Biology & Ecology, STEM/SS
Email Advisor
President: Isabela Perez
About the club: The Green Futures club hopes to bring people together to work towards sustainability and advocation for a better environment. Green Futures presents this opportunity through educational hiking trips, speaker panelists, and hands-on gardening. We to find unity in making our world greener!

Jakara Movement
Advisor: Gurpreet Cheema
Email Advisor
President: Kiran Khatkar
About the club: The purpose of the Jakara movement chapter at Yuba College is to bring Sikh and Punjabi students together to get involved in the world around them-politically, socially, economically, and around issues of health. We ae developing the next generation of youth leadership. We will do this through greater community engagement in the form of campus education by inviting scholars and lecturers on specific topics.

Muslim Student Association Club
Advisor: Benazir Bath
Email Advisor
President: Zakia Sholiay
About the club: To provide a safe environment for all students to work on building a relationship with God whilst nurturing their spiritual, social, and civic self.

Advisor: Nazia Montafa,Walter Masuda
Email Advisor
President: Adal Rodriguez
About the club: Puente is a club that supports the mission of the Puente project, sponsors multicultural awareness, develops leadership skills, and promotes a sense of community.

Rainbow Connection Club
Advisor: JP Stottmann
Email Advisor
President: Sarah Barnes
About the club: Rainbow Connection club is a safe space for LGBTQ students and allies. Its purpose is to bring acceptance and understanding to campus.

Science Club
Advisor: Jeff Stollberg/ Korey Champ
Email Advisor
President: Kirandeep Khatkar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              About the club:The Science Majors Club includes students from all disciplines of science. Consequently, we have a nice blend of student backgrounds, academic interests, and diversities. We meet regularly to discuss and formulate club activities, academic opportunities, and review club constitutional topics.  The club provides the student with the opportunity to function as an officer, to participate in a variety of activities, to learn the processes of organized self-governess, to develop group social skills, and practice interpersonal communication.  Participation in the club prepares students for involvement in future professional aspirations, such as the medical field, research, teaching, and engineering. Club activities are designed to benefit the community, the college, the club, and stuend development. Activities of the past have included a bake sale, club rush, a lake clean-up, pizza parties, the building of a children’s playground, a trip to 6 Flags, and a museum tour. The club raises its own finances through various activities. Each member receives a membership T-shirt, has access to a canvas club course, is listed in the constitutional membership roster, and is encouraged to participate in all club functions and/or, participate as a club officer. Professors Jeff Stollberg and Korey Champe are the club supervisors.

Sociology Club
Advisor: Marc Flacks
Email Advisor
President: Sarahi Henry
About the club: The Sociology Club is open to any Yuba College student interested in making the world a better place. Our goal is to promote campus events and activities that encourage social interaction, student engagement, and collective action to create positive change.

Speech Club
Advisor: Suzanne Ruckle
Department: Speech/Communication, Arts and Education
Email Advisor
President: Lorena Rodriguez

Vet Tech Club
Advisor: Amber Kuykendall
Email Advisor
President: Lexi Pillsbury

Student Club Forms

New Clubs

Club Upkeep Forms

Club Travel

Event Forms

Meeting Forms

Student Government: