Yuba College Open
Student Services Fall Operations: In-Person and Online
Marysville Campus Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. and Friday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sutter County Center Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. and Friday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
One-Stop Registration Support: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/s/93958838133
Program | Zoom Room | Phone | |
Admissions and Records | YCAdmissions@yccd.edu | https://yccd-edu.zoom.us/j/84592759625 | (530) 741-6720 |
Counseling | yubacounseling@yccd.edu | https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/93958838133 | (530) 634-7766 |
Basic Needs | dustyspantry@yccd.edu | Zoom unavailable | (530) 741-8988 |
DSPS | dspsinfo@yccd.edu | https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/95474575687 | (530) 741-6795 |
EOPS/CARE/NEXTUP & CalWORKs | YCEOPS@yccd.edu | https://yccd-edu.zoom.us/my/yceops | (530) 741-6995 |
Financial Aid | ycfinancialaid@yccd.edu | https://yccd-edu.zoom.us/s/3895689180 | (530) 749-7999 |
PUENTE | ycpuente@yccd.edu | https://yccd-edu.zoom.us/j/8852440675 | 530-741-6700 ext 8705 |
Sutter Center | YCAdmissions@yccd.edu | https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/98557871307 | (530) 751-5600 |
TRIO/SSS | yctriosss@yccd.edu | https://yccd-edu.zoom.us/my/yctriosss | (530) 740-1760 |
Veterans | veteranservices@yccd.edu | https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6742638097?pwd=RTdVVkMxVXBESzFwRmxiRFlWbGdNdz09 | (530) 741-6822 |
Library Reference Support Available
Marysville Campus Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. and Friday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sutter County Center Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. and Friday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Email: ycref@yccd.edu
Website: https://yc.yccd.edu/academics/library/
Tutoring Services Available
Marysville Campus Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm and Friday 8:00-4:00 pm
Sutter County Center Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm and Friday 8:00-4:00 pm
Email: Yctutor@yccd.edu
Website: https://yc.yccd.edu/student/tutoring
On Zoom: https://yccd-edu.zoom.us/j/91082468413
Program | Phone | Link | |
Writing & Language Development Center | dhagerman@yccd.edu | (530) 740-1710 | https://bit.ly/ycWLDC |
College Success Center | qbui@yccd.edu | (530) 741-6759 | https://bit.ly/ycCSC |
Sutter County Center Tutoring | sbone@yccd.edu | (530) 741-5561 | https://yc.yccd.edu/scc/tutoring/ |