For the 2021-2022 sunset list, click here.

Yuba College has undertaken an effort to cleanup the course catalog to better serve our students and to comply with recommendations from ACCJC and the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) to ensure students “receive clear and accurate information about educational courses and programs.” The first step in this cleanup process is to remove courses from the catalogue that the college no longer offers.

Several YC courses have not been scheduled in the last three years. As part of ongoing cleanup efforts, these courses will be automatically archived unless a compelling case can be made to keep them.

Notifications regarding courses due to sunset will be sent to faculty and deans yearly (either at the end of the academic year or at the beginning of the following academic year). At the beginning of the following academic year (early to mid-September), the curriculum co-chair will reach out to all of the departments/disciplines with courses on the sunset list to determine the fate of the course.

If a department/discipline wishes to keep a course that appears on the sunset list, a representative will be asked to attend a curriculum committee to discuss the possibility of not archiving these courses and what, if any, action is required to do so (e.g., Does the course need to be revised?  Does the discipline dean need to schedule the class more frequently? Etc.) Please be prepared to briefly discuss why the course is needed and why it is not scheduled regularly.