Are you interested becoming a tutor at the WLDC?

Our tutors typically work 2–20 hours a week, depending on their availability and the center’s need. WLDC hours are Monday through Thursdays 9am-7pm and Fridays 9am-4pm. Our tutors can work around their class schedules, making it one of the most convenient jobs for Yuba College students. The first semester pay-rate for tutors is $16.00 an hour.

To become a WLDC tutor, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  2. Pass English 1A with an A or B.
  3. Enroll in at least 6 units at Yuba College while employed as a tutor.
  4. Enroll in English 40A (Tutoring Reading and Writing), a one-unit training course (at the Marysville campus), during the first semester you work as a tutor.

If you will meet the requirements above by the beginning of next semester, APPLY ONLINE HERE.

We look forward to hearing from you and will verify your eligibility and notify you via your YCCD email. Please check your college email regularly for further information and instructions. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the WLDC Coordinator, Brian Jukes, via email.