Traveling Tutors (for all disciplines)

If your students are not coming to the WLDC for reading and writing assistance, we can come to them! Yuba College Faculty in any discipline may request a WLDC tutor to visit a class session either to be embedded within an activity as tutoring support or to present a mini-workshop on reading or writing strategies. How can you get this extra support in your classroom? It’s easy! Submit a Traveling Tutor Request Form.

Embedded Tutors (for English classes)

An embedded tutor works closely with an instructor for the duration of a course to help enrolled students understand course concepts and enhance student engagement. An embedded tutor regularly and consistently interacts with the students during class and usually holds study sessions for students outside class. The embedded tutor helps students better understand and meet their instructor’s expectations and assignments, acting as a middle person, working effectively with students in ways that faculty members cannot.

Significantly, the embedded tutoring program is part of the Yuba College’s equity-driven initiative to “Develop and implement a holistic, wrap-around, and tailored approach to identify individual students’ learning challenges and support their successful completion of transfer-level English” (Yuba College Equity Plan, 2022-2025). The embedded tutor’s priority then is to help close the disproportionate impact gap in successful completion rates in English 1E and English 1A.

The information about the Yuba College English department’s Embedded Tutoring program may be found in the Embedded Tutoring Handbook.

How Can English Faculty Teach with an Embedded Tutor?

All English faculty teaching a course section with an embedded tutor are expected first to complete the embedded tutor training course for English faculty. The embedded tutor training course is asynchronous, self-paced, and can easily be completed within a short timeframe. Therefore, after an English faculty member is assigned a section with an embedded tutor for the first time, we request that the faculty member complete the training course prior to meeting with the embedded tutor the week before instruction begins.

If you are an English faculty member and have recently been assigned a course section with an embedded tutor, or plan to teach a course with an embedded tutor within the next semester, self-enroll in the embedded tutor training course.