California College Promise Grant (CCPG)

Formerly known as Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOG)

Beginning the 2018/2019 aid year, the Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOGFW) will now be called the CA College Promise Grant. The CA College Promise Grant is a state sponsored program, which waives enrollment fees for qualifying students.

In an effort to help students succeed in the California community colleges, the Student Success Act of 2012 (California Senate Bill 1456) was signed into law by Governor Brown. Among other aspects, the Act included the creation of minimum academic and progress standards that must be met for continued eligibility for the Board of Governors Fee Waiver Program (BOGFW). These are different and separate standards from those for student federal aid, Cal Grants.

Effective Fall 2016, California Community College students receiving the CCPG must meet minimum academic and progress standards to remain eligible for the CCPG.

Students Must:

  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00
  • Successfully complete at least 50% of all units attempted

Measurement of these standards will begin with fall 2015.

  1. If a student is placed on “Academic” and/or “Progress Probation” through Admissions and Records for two consecutive primary terms, the student will lose eligibility for the CCPG.
  2. The student could also lose enrollment priority through Admissions and Records if the “Academic” and/or “Progress” are not met for two consecutive primary terms.
  3. Students who lose CCPG eligibility will have an opportunity to regain eligibility by meeting the above listed standards or through an Admissions and Records appeal process.

Minimum requirements for maximum success.

Whether you want to move into a career or move on to a four-year university, California community colleges want to help you achieve your educational goals. The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) is available for eligible students at California community colleges, and will waive your per unit enrollment fee at any community college throughout the state.

Once you’ve qualified for the CCPG, it’s important to ensure that you’re meeting the academic and progress standards in order to avoid losing the fee waiver.

Academic – Sustain a GPA of 2.0 or higher
If your cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 for two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring semesters, or fall/winter/spring quarters), you may lose your fee waiver eligibility.

Progress – Complete more than 50% of your coursework
If the cumulative number of units you complete is not more than 50% in two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring semesters, or fall/winter/spring quarters), you may lose your fee waiver eligibility.

Combination of Academic and Progress Standards
Any combination of two consecutive terms of cumulative GPA below 2.0, and/or cumulative unit completion of not more than 50% may result in loss of the CCPG eligibility.

Yuba Community College Board Policy on Probation, Disqualification, and Readmission

How will I know?
You’ll be notified within 30 days of the end of each term if you are being placed on either Academic (GPA) and/or Progress (Course Completion) probation. Your notification will include the information that a second term of probation will result in loss of fee waiver eligibility. After the second consecutive term of probation, you may lose eligibility for the CCPG at your next registration opportunity.
How to regain eligibility.

If you lose eligibility for the CCPG, there are a few ways that you can have it reinstated:

Improve your GPA or Course Completion measures to meet the academic and progress standards

Successful appeal regarding extenuating circumstances

Not attending your school district for two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring semesters, or fall/winter/spring quarters)

The appeals process for extenuating circumstances includes:

  • Verified accidents, illness or other circumstances beyond your control
  • Changes in economic situation
  • Evidence of inability to obtain essential support services
  • Special consideration factors for CalWORKs, EOPS, DSPS and veteran students
  • Disability accommodations not received in a timely manner

Please note that foster youth and former foster youth (age 24 years and younger) are not subject to loss of the BOG Fee Waiver under these regulations.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the financial aid office or registrar at your college.

No YC CA Promise Grant listed on your Award Letter?
Please follow these instructions to ensure timely awarding of the CCPG to eligible students:

Eligibility for the YC CA Promise Grant can be determined from information you enter on your Financial Aid Application.

Complete you Financial Aid  2024-2025 Financial Aid Application:  FAFSA at .

Undocumented resident students qualifying for AB540 status must complete the 2024-2025 California Dream Act Application.

  1. You will need your 2022 income information. Dependent students will also need parent’s 2022 income information.
  2. Three to five days after your entry, check your Financial Aid Offer Letter in the Financial Aid section on Self Service to determine if your CA Promise Grant waiver has been awarded.
  3. Also check MyDocuments in the Financial Aid section of Self Service to determine if additional documents will need to be presented to the Financial Aid Office to verify your eligibility for financial aid.

If your CA Promise Grant has not been awarded 7 days after your FAFSA or Dream Act entry,

* Apply online at OpenCCC or

* Visit your campus Financial Aid Office and present a completed:
2023-24 CA Promise Grant _ Paper Application
2024-25 CA Promise Grant _ Paper Application