Petition to Graduate and or receive a Certificate of Achievement.
Deadline Dates
- Fall Semester due by November 15
- Spring Semester due by April 15
- Summer Semester due by July 1
To Petition Online :
- If you are a current student and received a letter asking you to petition for your award(s) please do so in Self Service. Watch this short video that will walk you though the steps to submitting your petition How to Petition for Graduation.
- Login to Yuba College Student Self-Service.
- After you log in, go to Graduation Overview
- Click on apply with your intended major/program.
- follow instructions
- You will need to apply for each major/program
- if you do not see the major/program you are completing, you will need to update your record and Admissions and Records by submitting a “Change of Student Data Request” Form
- Submit your graduation and or certificate application.
Note: Prior to applying for graduation, all official transcripts (sealed by the issuing institution and unopened) must be on file in Admissions & Records.
If you need assistance in completing your degree application or would like to complete Graduation Checklist, make a Counseling Appointment.
Petition for Associate Degree-Transfer (ADT)
Deadline Dates
- Fall Semester due by September 15
- Spring Semester due by February 15