Duplicate Diploma Request
Duplicate Diploma Request Form
$10.00 per copy (make checks and money orders payable to YUBA COLLEGE)
Yuba College will gladly send you a duplicate of your diploma earned at Yuba College
or Clearlake Campus. You can fax, email, or mail in your request.
If you have more than one degree, please indicate which one the request is for.
If you are requesting due to a name change, provide the name you wish to be printed
on the Diploma. Please include your check, money order, or credit card information
in the request, as well as:
- Enter then name you wish to be printed on the diploma under Print Name.
- Date of Birth
- Student ID # or SSN
- Phone #
- Date of Birth
- Present Address
- Term graduated (i.e. Spring ’05)
The request MUST contain your wet signature. We cannot release
any information without it.
FAX: (530)741-6872
Mail: 2088 North Beale Rd, Marysville, CA, 95901
Email: YCAdmissions@yccd.edu